Synopsis of Meeting of Thursday, November 19, 2009
Present: Jack, Al, Jerry, Louise, Sue, Jacquie, Donna C., Donna F., Karen, Brian, Joe, Susie, Jim, Melissa
1. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Brian/Karen.
There was acceptance of the October 22, 2009 Meeting Minutes.
2. WFP served 131 families in October, so far, the highest month figures and Saturday figures. On Saturday of Rotary Coat Distribution, 27 Large families alone were served. As of 11/21/09 – 181 families, 34 large on Saturday, 72 Senior families and 109 families at General Distribution.
3. The WCAC will be coming to the Senior Center on Jan. 7, 2010 through April. The WFP is posting contact information (like last year) through the season. There are 6 new cases under scrutiny for assistance from W.A.R.F., comprising $2700.00 in need. One request had to do with making a mortgage payment and the COA is considering it, with the requestor having to make a good faith gesture (on a plan). Al defined the WARF and suggested that all help should go through the WARF process, for consistency and to make certain that families are getting all the help they may need.
4. Sue Ross from The Corner Shop gave a presentation on the organization. The average price of clothing is $2.50/item. Hardship cases are looked after via information received from 1st Congregational Church. Sue suggested a H@H fair to showcase how to get help and how to give it. A possible venue is the Senior Center in February or March. [On Friday, Sue put together some ideas and she and Karen have set a date of Dec. 4 at 3:00 p.m. to write a proposal to be presented to the H@H Committee at the January meeting.] [They also discussed with Johnny some ideas about HCTV and the Fair idea.] More to follow.
5. Jack is going to have the fundraising sign moved to a more noticeable location.
6. Donna reported that there have already been a large number of energy audit requests in Holden. Auditors have requested (and will receive) more H@H booklets, since they have been found to be so popular and helpful.
6. Susie reported that she has received the updates from Cheryl for the 2010 booklet. A hard copy was passed out to everyone on the Committee. Jacquie will email the electronic version to everyone, so we all may make edits. Once the edits have been made, the “insert” will be put on the webpage. Susie will use this to format the text to make ready for the next printing of the booklet.
7. Jim gave an overview of his financial report. Fundraising is starting to take off and donations are being received by Louise. She will keep Jim appraised on a regular basis.
8. There was no fundraising news available at the meeting, but on Friday, there was word from Davis Hill School that a portion of its Turkey Trot donations will go to H@H. More to follow.
9. Rich was unable to attend, but has received the re-branding text and has begun work on his message. Joe graciously agreed to write the Speak Out for The Landmark this year and we are awaiting its publication. Karen contacted Warren Stowell of the Holden Lions Club to obtain information on the Lions Club clinic van and Brian will pursue the matter. Brian will contact the principals in Holden schools to obtain information on health clinics, school supply needs, clothing needs, etc.
10a. The banner will be put up in between the other banner requests throughout “the season”.
10b. Cheryl’s PSA on the booklet is done. Karen is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 20 at 3:00 p.m. for the WFP PSAs. Louise’s PSAs will be forthcoming. The ½ hour Energy Conservation show will be played again through “the season”.
10c. Louise presented the idea of an emergency bag called the CAPE (carry all personal examples) bag. It was suggested as a volunteer recognition opportunity. Cost/bag (printed) is $2.15. A key chain would be extra. Perhaps we could use these for the Fair?
10d. Joe suggested a Meals-on-Wheels Celebrity undertaking to increase awareness of those in need in Holden.
12. The next meeting will be Thursday, January 7th, at 3 p.m. in the Starbard Building.
13. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.